The Director’s Chair with Robert Rodriguez – an overview

This is an overview of all episodes of The Director’s Chair.
Season 1 episode list
- John Carpenter (May 2014)
- Guillermo del Toro (July 30, 2014)
- Quentin Tarantino (August 13, 2014)
- Quentin Tarantino Vol. II (Augst 27, 2014)
- Francis Ford Coppola
- Luis Valdez (March 29, 2015)
- Robert Zemeckis (May 31, 2015)
- Michael Mann (October 2015)
- George Miller
- Sylvester Stallone
- John Favreau (coming soon)
- Frank Darabont
- Barbara Streisand
Page under construction
See also: Official episode list at El Rey