Robert lining up projects and launching TV channel 2012

El ReyWhile the hugely popular SXSW festival and conference was going down last month, Robert Rodriguez (with home field advantage) popped the cork on a bunch of things he is lining up for this year (thanks to Rama for the heads up). Robert is not only lining up a few movies and a TV program, but also a new production company, animated features and a partnership with chip-maker AMD.

  • He is launching an animation company called Quickdraw Animation, with two feature-film projects already in the works, as well as a filmmaking contest with his technology partner AMD. The first film will be Heavy Metal, the other a family-friendly movie.
  • He announced several new Quickdraw Productions initiatives. Sin City 2 is moving ahead and in casting, Machete Kills will also shoot this year, possibly as early as this month.
  • Tito and Ttarantula played at SXSW with Robert to footage from Desperado (Video on YouTube),  as well as Chingon
  • He is launching a new TV network catering to the target audience of young latinos, called El Rey. The El Rey network will be launching later this year.

Extra > Here’s a lengthy 20-minute video from SXSW with a conversation between Shira Lazar and Robert that you should really watch: Huffpost

Extra 2 > Here’s a video of Robert at the AMD VISIONary Young Director’s contest, Youtube (other angle)

We will bring you more news on these individual developments as they come along, of course follow us on the social networks for small bits of info on a several-times-a-day basis.

Source: Hollywood Reporter


Founder and owner of, and also the founder of,, and

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